About Us

Amalgamated Academy consists of grades 4 to 9 with @700 students. There are forty seven educational staff, two guidance counselors, five student assistants, two secretaries and three maintenance personnel.

In addition to staff based at the school, we have access to District Office staff including: educational psychologist, speech pathologist and itinerant teachers for the visually and hearing impaired.

Let us not forget our bus drivers who do a fabulous job of getting our students to and from school safely.

Vision Statement

Amalgamated Academy offers an education that is based on fairness, universality and accountability. We are committed to providing a learning environment which encourages the achievement of challenging goals. These goals have been developed by the entire school community, which has the responsibility to ensure they are met. Based on these goals, the school curriculum is designed to prepare students to be caring responsible members of society. We have a duty to prepare students for life in a global community.

Mission Statement

The Essential purpose of Amalgamated Academy is to develop a community of learners. In such a community; students, teachers, parents and the larger community interact in a cooperative effort to develop a positive educational climate. The primary emphasis is placed upon learning, the enhancement of education and of our overall quality of life: the development of the whole individual.

At Amalgamated Academy, students are the center of all of or planning and actions. Each student knows the value of and is taking responsibility for learning. All students are "Aiming for Excellence". Recognizing the value and uniqueness of each individual, students treat others with the respect that they have come to expect for themselves. They are learning that competitiveness and cooperation contribute to individual and group strength which, in tern, enhances society.

Teachers are responsible, knowledgeable professionals who are committed to change, based on sound research and reasoning. Teachers recognize themselves, as well as there students, as learners. All their professional energy is directed at providing the most enhancing, goal-directed and student-centered environment, so that students can mature as lifelong learners. Teaching involves the use of a variety of strategies and resources to meet individual needs.

Administrators are educational leaders and members of the educational team. They work within the school community to ensure that the school continues to grow and improve. The school functions as a "learning organization" where the role of administrators is to facilitate and support empowered team members as they make the essential decisions directed at improving the learning environment for students.

Parents/Guardians and other members of the school community take an active and supportive role in the learning process. Parents/Guardians provide a positive learning environment at home as they demonstrate the importance of being lifelong learners. The whole school community feels a direct responsibility for the education of its members and is willing to contribute in meaningful ways. There is a community commitment to the goals of the school, and all agree that they are accountable for the realization of these goals.

Amalgamated Academy is an exciting center for community learning. The creative energy that exists within an atmosphere of trust and cooperation makes it a place where people love to work and learn. The vision for the school is shared by all partners, and it is this sense of shared vision that draws people together and inspires them to "Aim for Excellence".

Belief Statement

The School

This School believes that:

  1. School is an important and unique institution that involves the whole community.

  2. School should be a safe, caring environment which stimulates learning and promotes school spirit.

  3. School is an integral part of a child's complete growth.

  4. School is a place where emphasis is on structured learning which provides programs suited to students needs where success is achieved, abilities are challenged and good work habits are promoted and expected.


This School believes that:

  1. Learning is a lifelong process.

  2. Learning takes place at different rates and in different ways promoting the development of the whole person.

  3. Learning must be meaningful and expectations clear for success to be achieved.

  4. Learning involves community, parents\guardians, educators and students working together as partners.


This School believes that:

  1. Parents \ Guardians should take an active role in education.

  2. Parents \ Guardians should provide a positive learning environment where children are encouraged to achieve to their highest potential.

  3. Parents \ Guardians have a right to be informed and a responsibility to be involved in all aspects of their child's education.


This School believes that:

  1. Students should strive to achieve their fullest potential and take responsibility for their own learning.

  2. Students are individuals with unique needs and are capable of learning.

  3. Students must be listened to, treated with respect and dignity and be expected to treat others in the same manner.

  4. Students must be encouraged to establish and achieve personal goals.

  5. Students should view themselves as an integral part of the school community.


This School believes that:

  1. Teaching involves the use of a variety of strategies and resources to meet individual needs.

  2. Teaching requires cooperation of students, teachers, parents \ guardians and administration.

  3. Teaching is a demanding profession that requires patience, understanding and ample time to plan and evaluate.

  4. Teaching must prepare students to live successfully in the global community.